Catholic Daughters engage in an expansive array of activities in pursuit of our mission including:
Enhancement of Spiritual Life
Support of the Holy Father, Bishops and Clergy
Vocations to the religious life
Mission activities
Catholic Relief Services
Habitat for Humanity
Mother Teresa
Right to life
Adopt-a-Child program
Battered spouses and child abuse
Scholarships and educational contests
Teen pregnancy and suicide
Civic Programs
Morality in Media
Drug and alcohol abuse
Prison Apostolate
Aid to flood and disaster victims
Apostolate of the Sea
Rural life
Veterans' support
Project Handclasp (U.S. Navy)
Catholic Daughters of the Americas strive to embrace the principle of faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all mankind.
Joining is a wonderful gift from God. Through CDA, you are able to work with other Catholic women who share similar values. Our membership enriches our spiritual, social, and missionary life.
Want to know what
we are doing? Or need to know a contest deadline? Click here to know calendar dates of the Local, State, and National levels.
This National program gives the
Catholic Daughters effective
ways to serve their communities
and missions. To be effective in
promoting good works, we must
reach out and make a difference
in the lives of those who are suffering
or those who need our love, support and prayers. Each point of the circle, Quality of Life, Youth, Education, Legislation, Spiritual Enhancement, Leadership, and Family are the areas that we focus on to make a difference; locally or nationally.

"Open Your Heart to God's Love and
Listen to Him"
State Regent, Judy Konechne
Website Manager, Amanda Konechne