Our list of various State projects that each Court in South Dakota can support, with financial, spiritual and/or material donations. Get involved with the largest Catholic women’s organization in the Americas.
“YOU can make a difference!”
Education Contest
Each year, CDA sponsors education contests for Catholic and non-Catholic youth to use their talents and express their beliefs through poetry, essay, music, art, computer art, or photography. Two topics are presented for the youth to choose from. Monetary awards are distributed at the local, state, and national level. Age categories include grades 4-5, 6-8, and 9-12. Adult CDA members may participate in the poetry, art, computer art and music adult divisions.
Scholarship Program
Since 1990, CDA sponsors two endowed scholarships, one to Presentation College and one to Mount Marty College. Local Courts and Individuals are encouraged to support these scholarships through donations and memorials.
State Abuse Project - LifeSavers
Our SD project began in 2000. The goal is to raise funds to assist victims of abuse in the Abuse Shelters across South Dakota. Each Court receives bags of Lifesavers for their Abuse Awareness Fundraiser. Monies raised are divided on a 60-40 ratio between the State and the
local courts. Local courts can use the donations within their own communities. March is Abuse Awareness month.
Military Project
Through the State Military Project, our monetary donations are used to provide religious materials to our men and women overseas and well as the Spiritual support we offer to these brave soldiers.
Priest Appreciation Day
1981 marked the beginning of this special day when CDA Courts host receptions on the first Sunday of June, for our Priests and religious, as a thank you for their spiritual guidance.
Bishops Burse - Sioux Falls and Rapid City Diocese
Financial donations are given at the Biennial State Conventions to the Bishops. These are applied towards the education of seminarians and the continuing education of the Priests within their Diocese.
Office of Respect Life
The Diocese of Sioux Falls and parishes within it are committed to supporting pregnant women and families. If you are struggling with a challenging pregnancy and are looking for encouragement, financial, emotional or spiritual support, please visit our various resources on our website ( to help you in your journey.
Operation Morning Star is the network to involve Courts in pertinent legislation that address the needs and moral issues which impact the quality of life and family values. Our goal is to inform our members to contact their Congressional leaders through email,
phone, and letters, urging them to support legislation that upholds our Catholic teaching.
Juniors CDA Program
Adult CDA Courts may sponsor a JCDA Program of Juniorettes (ages 6-10) and Juniors (ages 11-18) based on a three fold program of involvement: MESSAGE, SERVICE and COMMUNITY. The four objectives and goals are: To Promote the development of the whole person through programs of self-identity, personal growth and peer group relationships; to promote service to others in the parish, community and JCDA; to encourage spiritual growth by providing opportunities for personal prayer, liturgy and ecumenical understanding and to encourage programming that is open, flexible and creative to current needs and concerns.
The House of Mary Shrine
The shrine is located approximately five miles west of Yankton on Lewis and Clark Lake. The Marian Shrine is set in a natural setting inviting all to retreat and worship. The Holy Spirit hermitage was funded by the Catholic Daughters in 1984. The shrine includes Holy Stairs, Living Waters, Stations of the Cross, waterfall, rosary pond, gardens, and the Holy Innocents Memorial dedicated to the unborn. A stained glass window with the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary was donated by Catholic Daughters in 2000 and graces the original building on the site.
Mother Teresa Fund
The Mother Teresa Fund has been established by the Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls and The Lourdes Center (formerly known as Catholic Family Services) to provide financial assistance to individuals or couples experiencing and unplanned pregnancy and those who may consider abortion because of limited financial resources. This endowment was inspired by Mother Teresa who said, "The best gift we can give to any child is to make that child feel wanted, loved and cared for because a child is the greatest gift of God." Anyone may contribute to this fund.